Working at Bendigo TAFE and Kangan Institute
Our Values and Behaviours
Our values and behaviours are the guiding principles of everything we do in our organisation. They are the human side of our strategy and outline the qualities we all must live if we are to fulfil our purpose and achieve our vision. 

Find out more about our values and click on each value below to find the skilled and unskilled behaviours underpinning them. Your welcome pack also contains values cards that you can display on your desk.
Our Integrity Framework

In April 2020, the Board approved the Integrity Framework

This Integrity Framework is a key part of the Institute's holistic integrity system.
The framework provides clear ethical standards required of the Board and all employees.  The framework also provides guidance to establish clear practices, processes and programs to meet the ethical standards required of us.

The framework incorporates:

  • Integrity obligations and accountabilities in the Public Administration Act 2004 (PAA);
  • The Code of Conduct for Directors of Victorian Public Entities (‘Directors’ Code of Conduct’)
  • Other public sector employee obligations and good practice

In 2020, our priority is to embed the framework. This will be achieved through a holistic and systemic approach. You can find resources to role model integrity here
SpeakUp Service

The SpeakUp Service is an independent service that allows our employees to raise concerns of suspected fraud, corruption and serious misconduct without fear of retribution or reprisal.

Find out more here
Our Thank You Program

We want to make sure everyone feels appreciated for the wonderful things they're doing to support each other and for bringing values to life. As a way to recognise our colleagues we have put in place a Values & Behaviours Thank You Program! Thank a colleague here!
People Matter Survey

We’re constantly working to improve our working environment and experience for our people. The People Matter Survey is our annual employee engagement survey; we take our results seriously and they inform actions we prioritise to help both local teams and the wider organisation improve. In addition to our annual survey, we conduct Pulse Checks at least quarterly or as per business need. Find out more about the People Matter Survey and how we are implementing our action plans. 
Working From Home
Many of us are currently working remotely from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.  There is a dedicated Working from Home intranet page to support you during this time or where you have agreed a flexible working arrangement which includes working from home. This site, contains many resources, including: 

The Working from Home page is being continually updated as information and resources become available

If you are working from home, you will need to complete a Working From Home Self-Assessment Checklist, and submit it to your manager.

If you need to, or are requested to return to campus, you will need to complete an online induction to inform you of your obligations in relation to processes and procedures.
Our Commitment to Occupational Health Safety & Wellbeing (OHSW)
We are committed to providing a safe workplace and learning environment that supports and enhances health and wellbeing, within our premises and activities for our students, employees, contractors, visitors and industry partners. Key to delivering this commitment is the support and development of a Leader Led Positive Safety and Wellbeing Culture.

This Commitment is outlined in our Occupational, Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy and underpinned by our values of Accountability, Collaboration, Respect, Client Experience, Passion and Integrity.

Much of the information and detail that supports the Safety Commitment outlined in the Policy is available from the Health, Safety and Wellbeing intranet site This Intranet site houses much of the information you may require to assist you in undertaking your role in the provision of a Safe Workplace and Learning Environment that supports and enhances Health and ​Wellbeing, delivering on our commitment. 
Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

All employees and immediate family members can access a fully subsidised Employee Assistance Program provided by Lifeworks. You can discuss any work or personal issues confidentially
Reporting Incidents and Hazards

We are committed to ensuring a safe workplace through the reporting of workplace incidents, near misses and hazards. These reports allow us to work proactively to eliminate or mitigate issues delivering on our health safety and wellbeing commitment.

In the Event of an Emergency on Campus you should remain calm and raise the alarm by contacting Campus Security, follow the instructions on the Incident Response and Evacuation Procedure posters to understand what actions you may be required to take.
Employment Types and Agreements
There are two agreements that cover our staff:

  • Professional, Administrative, Clerical, Computing and Technical Staff Agreement 2018 (PACCT)
  • Victorian TAFE Teaching Staff Multi Enterprise Agreement 2018 (MEA)

Essential Learning
You are required to complete a number of essential learning modules online along with familiarising yourself with relevant workplace policies. These essential learning modules will be allocated to you and will appear PeopleHub in your ‘Learning’ tile under ‘Learning Activities’.

These modules include:
  • Employee Code of Conduct
  • Equal Opportunity in Employment
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Bullying
  • Health and Safety
  • Bendigo TAFE & Kangan Institute Policies
  • Child Safe Awareness Training
  • Victorian Child Safe Standards
  • Fraud and Corruption
This essential learning is mandatory and must be competed within your first month. You will need to set aside time to complete these.

If you have any issues accessing this training please email Organisational Development or speak to your manager.
Policies, Procedures and Forms
We have a policy and procedure portal where you can view our policies and procedures, and locate key forms.
People Hub and Employee Self Service (ESS)
Here you will find key links for you to access information about our People Systems and Processes.
People Hub
People Hub is your central source of information for all matters related to your employment and professional development.
Within People Hub you can:

  • Access your pay and leave information via Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Apply for and participate in learning and development activities
  • Complete your Performance and Career Enhancement (PACE) Plan and Review
  • Manage recruitment activities via eRecruitment

If you are a casual or sessional employee you will also use the ESS system to record your time and attendance. Your manager will guide you how to do this and there are also guides available.

The system is not available on the Monday of each Pay week, to ensure that details and leave applications are not changed whilst the pay run is being finalised.
Employee Self Service (ESS)
Employee Self Service (ESS) enables you to manage your own personal data such as contact details, bank account details and details of your next of kin. It is also used to submit and approve leave requests, print payslips and payment summaries. 

You can access the ESS module 24/7 from home and work via PC, mobile or tablet. To obtain access to these services outside of the network click here.

The Time & Attendance module provides you with 24/7 access to electronic time sheets (Casual and Sessional staff only).

We are paid fortnightly, on a Wednesday. See our pay calendar located in our HR Toolbox. 
Performance and Career Enhancement (PACE)
Your development and career are important to us, as your performance impacts the Institute’s success. These aspects are facilitated via our Performance and Career Enhancement (PACE) planning and reviews. All employees are given a PACE plan, however for sessional and casual employees participation is voluntary. Your PACE Plan includes Your annual objectives, Your Development Plan, and Our Values and Behaviours.

Performance Reviews are held twice yearly with your People Leader to set your objectives, review your progress against these objectives and to agree your development plan. You can access your PACE plan through People Hub.

Your People Leader will explain the PACE process and help you to set your plan. 

Professional Development
Professional Development
Your professional development is important. The Institute offers a range of professional development on the annual PD calendar, for:

Our Employee Benefits and Entitlements and Recognition Program
Through a range of benefits and entitlements, we value the individual needs of our people and encourage your personal growth. 
One of your employee benefits is our recognition program;  we value and celebrate the contribution of our people.
We have an online ‘Thank You’ program to informally thank the people we work alongside for the small things they do that demonstrate our values. Find out more or thank a colleague.
Induction Welcome Day
Virtual Induction Program 
As part of your induction to the institute, you are invited to participate in a virtual induction program.  The program consists of the following elements:

  • ‘Welcome to Bendigo Kangan Institute’ eLearning module -  This will take 20 minutes to complete and provides information on the below topics:
  • Discover BKI
  • Meet our student population who are central to everything we do
  • Be inspired by the strategy which drives our vision
  • Get to know the people that make up our organisation
  • Learn how to 'Live Our Values' 
  • Invitation to an Induction ‘Teams’ Portal to:
  • Meet and interact with fellow new employees
  • Meet Leadership Ambassadors and Employee Representatives – who can answer your questions and point you in the right direction
  • Five Leader Led workshops delivered via Teams – the topics are below:  
  • Virtual Welcome - 45 min
  • Our Strategy – 90 min
  • Our Values  -  90 min
  • Meet Sally – 45 min
  • Review session – 45 min

Note: If you are unable to attend your scheduled interactive workshop, you will be invited to the next scheduled workshop; attendance at workshops is required for all ongoing and fixed term employees (and all contractors engaged for longer than 6 months).
If you have any questions, please contact Organisational Development.
For further queries or content suggestions please email